Between what you see on the news, encounter upon a google search, and read from social media outlets, eating right can seem confusing. Friends, family, and co-workers discuss the latest fad-diets they have tried with supposedly “proven” results. But a healthy diet doesn’t have to be a challenge, particularly if you consult with a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN). Why hire a registered dietitian?
You are working with an expert in the field of nutrition!
Anyone can call themselves a nutritionist. However, only an RDN has completed multiple layers of education and training established by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics. What’s more, roughly half of RDNs hold graduate degrees and many have certifications in specialized fields, such as sports, pediatric, renal, oncology or gerontological nutrition. Registered dietitians have to remain on the forefront of nutrition research as they have to fulfill 75 hours of continuing education every 5 years to maintain their certification. Thus, their recommendations are population-based and not a one-size-fits-all nutrition plan.
You want individualized, practical lifestyle advice that will motivate you for change!
When you see an RDN, the last thing you’ll get is the “quick results” diet where you have to remove food groups, fast for long periods, and feel like you are starving. These diets are not sustainable long term, and it’s easy to fall off the cart and return to unhealthy habits. Registered dietitians believe in a whole foods approach where all foods fit into an active lifestyle (www.myplate.gov). A registered dietitian will partner with you to develop a safe and realistic eating plan that can be achievable long term. To guide and motivate you, an RDN will use creative and out-of-the-box strategies to help with meal planning, grocery shopping and mindful eating. Need help sorting through the facts and fiction of nutrition headlines? Learn how to read labels at the supermarket, discover how healthy cooking can be inexpensive, learn how to dine out without ruining your eating plan and how to resist workplace temptations
The Registered Dietitian will hold you accountable!
After obtaining your health history, favorite foods, eating and exercise habits, an RDN will help you set realistic goals and prioritize. Follow-up visits will focus on maintenance and monitoring progress. Throughout the process, the dietitian will teach you to value the work you have put into making diet and exercise changes. This accountability will increase your desire, knowledge, and confidence to continue pursuing lifelong healthy habits on your own!