by Sondra Tacket | May 4, 2021 | Nutritionist / Dietitian Tips
Mother’s Day is right around the corner. Time to raise a glass to the woman who sang you to sleep, survived through your terrible 2’s, drove you to every practice, cheered you at every game, bandaged and kissed every scrape, and will love you unconditionally. ...
by Terah Starbuck | Apr 14, 2021 | Nutritionist / Dietitian Tips
With so many diet programs out there, it is important to understand them. Why did these fad diets come to be and why should they NOT be part of your routine? Fad diets are any short-term, quick fix that actually sets the dieter up for weight loss failure. Usually, if...
by Gina Gilchrist | Jan 26, 2021 | Nutritionist / Dietitian Tips
Every Registered Dietitian is a Nutritionist, but Not Every Nutritionist is a Registered Dietitian. Often, people get confused as they uncover terms such as nutritionist and nutrition coach/counselor. While “nutritionist” and “dietitian” are often used...
by Gina Gilchrist | Jan 15, 2021 | Nutritionist / Dietitian Tips
Between what you see on the news, encounter upon a google search, and read from social media outlets, eating right can seem confusing. Friends, family, and co-workers discuss the latest fad-diets they have tried with supposedly “proven” results. But a healthy diet...
by Travis Chilcot | Dec 18, 2020 | Nutritionist / Dietitian Tips
The holidays are upon us and while gatherings with family and friends may look a little different for some of us this year, the stress and anxiety of eating during this time has remained the same for many. If you feel that it’s a challenge to honor your health in the...