When social media platforms were first developed, no one could have pictured the growth and influence they would have on our everyday lives. Pew Research Center estimates that 70% of Americans use some form of social media for connection and entertainment. Access to information and content has drastically changed how we gather information and how companies and businesses provide information to consumers. But has the initial purpose of staying connected been maintained?
“So and so is on an adventure trip to New Zealand and I am here at my desk swamped with deadlines.”
“I can’t believe their lives look so simple with kids. I struggle daily being a parent just getting my kids out the door. Must be nice!”
“Those jeans look so good on her, I could never pull something like that off.”
As it relates to editing and Photoshop, there is an epidemic. In 2021, 90% of young women reported editing their photos or using a filter on social media posts1. A study in BMC psychology showed that photo editing negatively influences self-esteem not just for those who see these photos, but also for those who partake in the photo editing2. We can build healthy boundaries with our use of social media to protect ourselves if we want to minimize the temptation of comparison.
Kelly is a Licensed and Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with a passion for helping individuals and families. She completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Food Science and Human Nutrition from…READ MORE
- https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/03/210308111852.htm
- https://bmcpsychology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40359-023-01143-0